Hiccup: Dragons!
This is where you've been for 20 years?
It's not every day you find out your mother's some kindof crazy... feral... vigilante dragon-lady!
Valka: Oh... well, at least I'm not boring... right?
Hiccup: How did you survive?
Valka: Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He...must have thought I belonged here, in the home of the great Bewilderbeast. The Alpha species. One of the very few that still exist.
Valka: Every nest has its queen, but this is the king of all dragons. With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest - a safe haven for dragons everywhere. We all live under his care. And his command.
Valka: All but the babies, of course... who listen to no one.
I've lived among them for 20 years, Hiccup. Learning their ways, discovering their secrets...
He likes you!

command: orden
secrets: secretos
care: cuidado
boring: aburrido, monótono
survive: sobrevivir
find out (prasal verb): averiguar, descubrir
nest: nido
safe haven (idiomatic expression): refugio seguro, buen puerto

Kristoff: So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?
Anna: Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister.
Kristoff: That's your plan? My ice business is riding on you talking to your sister?
Anna: Yup.
Kristoff: So you're not at all afraid of her?
Anna: Why would I be?
Olaf: Yeah. I bet she's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever. Oh, look at that. I've been impaled.
Anna: What now?
Kristoff: It's too steep. I've only got one rope, and youdon't know how to climb mountains.
Anna: Says who?
Kristoff: What are you doing?
Anna: I'm going to see my sister.
Kristoff: You're gonna kill yourself. I wouldn't put my foot there...
Anna: You're distracting me...
Kristoff: ..or there...
How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?
Anna: All right, I'm gonna... I'm just blocking you out because I gotta concentrate here.
Kristoff: You know, most people who disappear into the mountains want to be alone.
Anna: Nobody wants to be alone....
... except maybe you...
Kristoff: I'm not alone! I have friends, remember?
Anna: You mean the "love experts"?
Kristoff: Yes, the "love experts."
Anna: Please tell me I'm almost there...
Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here?
Kristoff: Hang on.
Olaf: Hey Sven? Not sure if this is gonna solve the problem, but I found a staircase that leads exactly
where you wanted to go!
Anna: Ha ha! Thank goodness! Catch!
Ha ha... thanks! That was like a crazy trust exercise.
Kristoff: Now that's ice! I might cry.
Anna: Go ahead. I won't judge.
Kristoff: All right, take it easy boy, come here. I got you.
OK. You stay right here, buddy.
Olaf: Knock. Just knock.
Why isn't she knocking?
Do you think she knows how to knock?
Anna: Huh! It opened!
That's a first...
Oh... you should probably wait out here.
Kristoff: What?
Anna: Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything.
Kristoff: But... but... oh, come on! It's a palace made ofice! Ice is my life!
Olaf: Bye, Sven!
Anna: You too, Olaf.
Olaf: Mm... me?
Anna: Just... give us a minute.
Olaf: OK.
one... two...three... four....
Anna: Elsa? It's me, Anna!
Elsa: Anna!
Anna: Whoah! Elsa... you look.. different!
It's a good different. And this place... it's amazing!
Elsa: Thank you.
I never knew what I was capable of.
Anna: I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd have known....
Elsa: No, no, it's OK.
You don't have to apologize.
But you should probably go.
Anna: But I just got here!
Elsa: You belong down in Arendelle.
Anna: So do you!
Elsa: No, Anna. I belong here.... alone.
Where I can be who I am, without hurting anybody.
Anna: Actually, about that...
Olaf: ...sixty!
Elsa: Wait... what is that?
Olaf: Hi! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!
Elsa: Olaf?
Olaf: Y... you built me! Remember that?
Elsa: And you're alive?
Olaf: Y.. um.. I think so?
Anna: He's just like the one we built as kids!
Elsa: Yeah!
Anna: Elsa, we were so close! We can be like that again.
Anna as a child: Catch me!
Elsa as a child: Slow down!Anna!
Elsa: No. We can't.
Goodbye Anna.
Anna: Elsa, wait.
Elsa: No. I'm just trying to protect you!
Anna: You don't have to protect me! I'm not afraid!
Please don't shut me out again.
Please don't shut the door.
You don't have to keep your distance any more.
Anna: 'Cause for the first time in forever
I finally understand.
For the first time in forever
we can fix this hand in hand.
We can head down this mountain together. You don't
have to live in fear.
Anna: 'Cause for the first time in forever...I will be right here.
Elsa: Anna! Please go back home. Your life awaits. Goenjoy the sun and open up the gates.
Anna: Yeah, but...
Elsa: I know! You mean well. But leave me be. Yes, I'malone, but I'm alone and free.
Just stay away and you'll be safe from me.
Anna: Actually, we're not...
Elsa: What do you mean you're not?
Anna: I get the feeling you don't know...
Elsa: What do I not know?
Anna: Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep... snow.

weather: tiempo atmosférico
alone: solo
knock: golpear a la puerta
close: cercano, allegado, íntimo
protect: proteger
froze: congelarse
snow: nieve
hand in hand (idiomatic expression): de la mano, mano a mano

Hiro: Ow, ah! Ah ha ha.. Ow!
Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax, your personal health carecompanion.
Hiro: Uh.. hey! Bay.. Baymax! I didn't know you were still active.
Baymax: I heard a sound of distress.
What seems to be the trouble?
Hiro: Oh...I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine.
Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
Hiro: A zero?
I'm OK, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.
Baymax: Does it hurt when I touch it?
Hiro: No, no, no, that's OK.. no touching.Ahh!
Baymax: You have fallen!
Hiro: You think?
Baymax: On a scale of one to...
On a scale..
On a scale..
On a scale of one to ten...
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
Hiro: Zero!
Baymax: It is all right to cry.
Hiro: No! No, no, no, no!
Baymax: Crying is a natural response to pain.
Hiro: I'm not crying!
Baymax: I will scan you for injuries.
Hiro: Don't scan me.
Baymax: Scan complete.
Hiro: Unbelievable!
Baymax: You have sustained no injuries.
However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings,common in adolescence.... diagnosis: puberty.
Hiro: Whoa.. what!?

scale: escala
pain: dolor
injuries: heridas
diagnosis: diagnóstico
puberty: pubertad
adolescence: adolescencia
indicate: indicar
response: respuesta

Juliet: Oh Gnomeo, Gnomeo. Are we really doomed to never see each other again? Why must you wear a blue hat? Why couldn't it be red like my father, or green like, like a leprechaun, or, or purple like, um, like a, like someweird guy.
Juliet: I mean, what's in a gnome? Because your blue, my father sees red, and because I'm red, I'm feeling blue. Oh, at any rate, that shouldn't be the thing to keep us apart, should it?
Gnomeo: No! No, it shouldn't! I couldn't have said it better myself.
Juliet: Oh my giddy aunt. Did you just hear all of that?What are you doing here?
Gnomeo: I dunno, um... I came here to, well, I dunno, I just wanted to see you again.
Juliet: Are you crazy? If dad finds you here, he'll bury you under the patio.
Gnomeo: Find me? You kidding? Stealth is my middle name.
Juliet: No! Turn it off.
Gnomeo: I'm trying!

doomed: condenado, predestinado
to see red: enfurecerse, ponerse rojo de ira
to feel blue: sentirse deprimido
patio: patio trasero
stealth: sigilo, cautela
leprechaun: duende
at any rate: de todos modos, en cualquier caso

Joaquin: Welcome to the land of the remembered!
Manolo: I made it!
Joaquin: ... and on the Day Of The Dead no less!
Manolo: Where... where is...
Joaquin: You're going to be a little disoriented at first. Don't try to take it all in at once. Let's start with yourname.
Manolo: My name is Manolo Sanchez.
Joaquin: Another Sanchez? Man! That family just keeps growing!
Manolo: My family! They'll help me find Maria. Can you take me to them?
Joaquin: I would love nothing more than to reunite a young couple. Just hold....
You know, I've been down here for years, awaiting my beloved honey-bunny.
Woman: Honey!
Joaquin: Aaargh! Too soon!

doomed: condenado, predestinado
to see red: enfurecerse, ponerse rojo de ira
to feel blue: sentirse deprimido
patio: patio trasero
stealth: sigilo, cautela
leprechaun: duende
at any rate: de todos modos, en cualquier caso

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